Unity College bid a heartfelt farewell to its Class XII students on February 2, marking a poignant chapter in their academic journey. The event commenced with an inspiring address by the Principal, Mr Francis Castelino, followed by a soulful musical presentation by students. A captivating comical skit gave a glimpse into the diverse behaviours of students during exams. Fun-filled games like 'Flip the Bottle', ‘Guess Who', and 'Musical Chairs' showcased the students' camaraderie and team spirit. 

Celebrating the title-giving ceremony is a pivotal moment in any farewell. Various interesting titles such as Perfect Attendance,Wow Machine, Mover of the Mountains, Jolly Good Fellow, Sharp Mind, Motivational Booster, Bright Future, and Star Player of the Department were awarded, creating a joyful atmosphere. The most coveted titles, Miss Unity and Master Unity, were won by Mashiyat Fatima and Syed Azzaman Abbas, impressing the esteemed jury- Headmistress- Ms Kainaat Mansoor, Principal II Shift- Ms Shabana Ahmad, Vice Principal II Shift- Mr Ammar Rizvi.

The Manager II Shift, Dr S Kalbe Sibtain Noorie, bestowed his blessings upon the students for their forthcoming Board Exams and the challenges that lie ahead in life.

Students embarked on a nostalgic journey filled with unforgettable moments through a special PowerPoint presentation showcasing the memorable highlights of the 2023–24 batch. The emotional atmosphere was heightened by teachers' video clips, showering blessings. Mementoes were presented to all the outgoing students by the dignitaries as a token of blessings.Hiba Zehra from XI-C added a perfect finishing touch to the occasion with a farewell Shayari. The programme concluded with a gracious vote of thanks from the Vice Principal, Mr Sachindra Bharti. 

Emotional reflections from departing seniors added a touching note to the memorable evening. Unity College wishes them a bright and successful future.

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